Pediatric Sepsis
The Child Health BC (CHBC) provincial guideline and accompanying toolkit are for use with pediatric patients presenting to emergency departments (ED’s) or urgent care centers in British Columbia.
The intent of the Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Toolkit is to:
- Provide recommendations for best practice to recognize and treat pediatric sepsis, suspected sepsis or septic shock
- Provide clinical support tools for clinicians in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Centers
- Support standardized practice of pediatric sepsis care across British Columbia
- Provide parent/caregiver materials when a child is suspected of having, or diagnosed with sepsis
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Recognition and Management Guideline
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Screening Tool
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Clinical Care Algorithm
- Could It Be Sepsis Infographic (English)
Translated Infographic:
Tagalog - Parent/Caregiver Information Booklet: When your Child has Sepsis: Information about Sepsis, Care and Recovery (English)
Translated Information Booklet:
Arabic (print or web)
Cantonese (print or web)
Hindi (print or web)
Mandarin (print or web)
Punjabi (print or web)
Tagalog (print or web) - CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Toolkit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Toolkit for ED and Urgent Care Settings Webinar with Dr. Garth Meckler
& Dr. Mark Chilvers - CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Factsheet
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Toolkit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Toolkit Huddle Facilitator Guide
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis SIM Scenario (ED Setting)
- CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis SIM Scenario (Inpatient Setting)
Sepsis Alliance Child Focused Materials:
- You have Sepsis. Now What? Your guide to what you may see and feel while in hospital
- You Can Help Stop Germs From Making You Sick (Text based version for children with neurodiversity)
- You Can Help Stop Germs From Making You Sick (Visual based version for children with neurodiversity)
Supplement to above resources for health care providers:
The CHBC Provincial Pediatric Sepsis Recognition and Emergency Management Guideline is based on international best practice incorporating input from pediatric clinicians across BC. Both the guideline and toolkit resources were developed in collaboration with the following partners:
BC Children’s Hospital
BC Patient Voices Network
First Nations Health Authority
Fraser Health Authority
Hamilton Health Services
Health Quality BC
Interior Health Authority
Island Health Authority
Northern Health Authority
Provincial Health Services Authority
Vancouver Coastal Health
Child Health BC would like to acknowledge the following organizations for their assistance with the development of the toolkit, including permitting us to utilize or adapt their materials for use within British Columbia.