Social & Emotional Development in the Early Years: Kelty Mental Health and Child Health BC podcast

Where You Are Podcast: New Episode for Parents and Caregivers.

Together BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and Child Health BC, as part of the Feelings First initiative, have collaborated on this latest episode of Where You Are: Benefits for Life: Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years.

This episode is for parents and caregivers looking to learn about social and emotional development (SED), including what it is, how you can support your child’s SED, and how these skills will benefit kids for life.

Between ages 0-6, a child’s social and emotional health is every bit as important as their physical health. It affects how they express emotions, deal with stress, develop friendships, and more. Join podcast hosts Bryn and Michelle as they take a closer look at social and emotional development (SED) in the early years, including what it is, how you can support your child’s SED, and how these skills will benefit them for life. In this episode you’ll hear from Joelle, a busy mom to a five year old, and Dr. Angela Low, a researcher and educator whose work focuses on social and emotional competence in children. You’ll even hear from some little ones who share their experiences too.


Link to podcast