Clinician Resources
Important information regarding these clinician resources:
The appropriate adoption and use of these materials is the responsibility of those accessing these resources. The use of these materials in a clinical context is not the responsibility of Child Health BC or BC Children’s Hospital or its staff. Agencies and clinicians should use this information as guidance, for reference purposes only. These materials are the property of the PHSA and may only be reprinted in whole or in part with the health authority’s expressed permission.
Please further note that the BC Children’s Hospital Emergency Department Guideline guidelines are also no longer housed on the Child Health BC website. Please refer to the below resources:
Diabetes Care across Community Settings
Diabetes Care in the School Setting: Evidence-Informed Key Components, Care Elements and Competencies September 2013
Lifetime Prevention Schedule
Lifetime Prevention Schedule Child and Youth Report April 2014
Children's Emergency Department
Part III: Tiers in Full to Support Operational Planning
Children's Emergency Department
Placeholder for Ped Foundations
Youth Transition to Adult Service
CAPHC Guideline for Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care May 2017
Child Health Indicators BC