An image of two hands holding each other
What should I bring to the PICU?

Sometimes, it’s hard to know how long your child will be in the PICU. If you’re unsure about what to bring, it’s a good idea to pack things that can help both you and your child feel comfortable or clean, like their favorite blanket or a toothbrush.

  • Documents and paperwork: Please bring  any pieces of ID for your child. Please also bring any important medical records you have at home if you are able. 
  • Money for food and other things you may need to purchase.
  • Clothing and a preferred pillow: You may want to bring comfortable clothing for your child if they are able to wear their own clothing. You may also want to pack some clothing for yourself.
  • Toiletries for your child and please consider bringing toiletries for yourself as needed.
  • Glasses, hearing aids, or other assistive equipment: If your child usually uses any of these, it’s important to bring them to the PICU, as they may need them to help with recovery.
  • Books, toys, electronics, and other activites: Please bring items  and activities that your child enjoys . We encourage you to bring your own electronic devices, as well as chargers. We also have TVs and electronic devices that you can borrow from the Child Life service.
  • Photos or small personal items: The PICU can feel strange at first. Photos and items from home may comfort  your child. You may bring blankets, stuffed animals,   or other favourite items.
How Do I Get to VGH by Car?
  • VGH Address:
    1 Hospital Way
    Victoria, B.C.
    V8Z 6R5
  • Door greeters can help you find the PICU within the hospital
  • Night access: The main hospital entrance is locked from 9 5:30 a.m. Press the intercom button to the right of the doors. For emergencies, go to the Emergency Department.
Parking at VGH

Street Meters:
$0.25 for 10 minutes
Short Term Lot:
$1.50 for hour maximum
Surface Lots Parking Pay Stations:
$1.50 for each hour
$26.75 for a weekly permit
Pay stations accepts coins or credit card.
No debit or Visa branded debit cards are accepted.
No change is provided from pay stations.
Mobile App: HONK
The app is available for iPhones via the Apple App Store
Special Permits and Parking Exemptions
For more parking information visit the Island Health Parking Services webpage.

How to Get VGH by Bus?

Bus Route/Transit: Take BC Transit #14, #22, or #39 bus

What are all these Noises and Machines?
  • In the PICU, your child may be connected to different machines that can be loud and might make sounds you haven’t heard before. If you’re curious about what these machines do or why they make noises, you can always ask your child’s nurse or doctor.
  • There’s a team of trained professionals who are constantly watching these machines and responding to any changes, with monitors set up throughout the unit—not just at the bedside.
  • You’re not expected to respond to the sounds from these machines or participate in any of your child’s medical care while they’re in the PICU. Your role is to be there for your child and to take care of yourself, too.
    • If you hear a noise and aren't sure what it means, feel free to ask your bedside nurse
  • The ICU can feel overwhelming with so much going on. It's important to take breaks and care for yourself while we focus on caring for your child.