
Gift Shop
Location: In the Main Concourse
Shop Hours:
Mon-Fri 9am- 4pm
Sat-Sun 11am-3pm
Contact info:
Phone #: 250.727.4318
For General Information email us at
Lost & Found
Contact Security by calling 204-477-3109
- Available at the front entrance, near the front entrance greeter.
- Your nurse can help order a wheelchair should your child require one.
Please use this link for instructions on how to connect to Wi-Fi at VGH
The Sacred Space
Location: N333, beside the spiritual care practitioners office on the 3rd floor of the north tower
Showers for Caregivers
Showers are available in the bathrooms next to the family sleep rooms, and are available for caregivers and family of patients to use
Information about Breastfeeding, Chest Feeding and Pumping Milk
- While your child is sick, they may not be able to breast or chest feed, or feed by bottle. In order to maintain your milk supply, you will need to remove milk by pumping. If you have a pump that you like to use, please bring it with you.
- Hospital-grade electric pumps are available to use in the PICU. You will be provided with a single or double kit to use with the pump, and instructions for how to clean these parts.
- If you are not used to removing milk by pumping and you would like to learn more, please ask to speak with your bedside nurse or a lactation consultant.
- Expressed milk is stored in a designated fridge in the PICU. You will be provided with labels. Your child’s nurse will support proper labeling and storage of the milk.
- Staff will assist you to access expressed milk as required.
Zero Tolerance for Violence
- Violence in our place of healing and health is not tolerated towards staff, other parents, within your own caregivers/family or towards other patients
- If you need to “Take 10” or remove yourself from a stressful situation, you are welcome to use the Family Support Room, a washroom, or visit the walking path outside.
- If you exhibit violent acts, aggression or use inappropriate language towards any staff, member of your group, or other patient, you will be removed by security
Infection Control
- To stop the spread of infection, we ask that all visitors wash their hands well with soap and water or use the alcohol rub (20 second rub) on entering and leaving the ward and your child’s room.
- As well, this routine hand hygiene should be done with every use of the toilet, eating, feeding your child or handling food, wipe your child’s nose, helping them throw-up, changing their diaper, or after sneezing/coughing into your own hands.
- If you are unwell or have a cold, flu, rash, vomiting, diarrhea or you have been near someone who has a communicable disease (chicken pox etc.) in the past three weeks, we ask you not to visit until discussed with the nurse or doctor caring for your child.
- Please keep your child in their room unless they are going for a test or a procedure.
- If your child has a new/ worsening cough, there are masks outside of the room for your wellness.
- If storing food in the unit refrigerator, please ask your nurse to retrieve these items for you.