An image of two hands holding each other


What should I bring to the PICU?

Sometimes, it’s hard to know how long your child will be in the PICU. If you’re unsure about what to bring, it’s a good idea to pack things that can help both you and your child feel comfortable or clean, like their favorite blanket or a toothbrush. The PICU also has extra supplies, like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and donated clothing, if you don’t have time to get them from home.

Other items to consider bringing:

  • Documents and paperwork: Please bring any pieces of ID for your child. Please also bring any important medical records you have at home if you are able.
  • Money: for food and other things you may need to purchase.
  • Clothing and a preferred pillow: You may want to bring comfortable clothing for your child if they are able to wear their own clothing. You may also want to pack some clothing for yourself to change into.
    • Laundry services are available on the sixth and seventh floors. Ask your bedside nurse for assistance in accessing these services
  • Toiletries: We will be able to provide your child with basic toiletries on the ward. Please consider bringing toiletries for yourself.
  • Glasses, hearing aids, or other assistive equipment: If your child usually uses any of these, it’s important to bring them to the PICU, as they may need them to help with recovery.
  • Books, toys, and other activities: You can bring small items and activities that your child enjoys.
  • Electronics: We encourage you to bring your own electronic devices (examples, cell phones and tablets), as well as chargers you will need for these devices. We also have TVs and electronic devices that you can borrow from the Child Life service.
  • Photos or small personal items: The PICU can feel strange at first. Photos and items from home may comfort  your child. You may bring blankets, stuffed animals, or other favourite items.
What are all these noises and machines?
  • In the PICU, your child may be connected to different machines that can be loud and might make sounds you haven’t heard before. If you’re curious about what these machines do or why they make noises, you can always ask your child’s nurse or doctor.
  • There’s a team of trained professionals who are constantly watching these machines and responding to any changes, with monitors set up throughout the unit—not just at the bedside.
  • You’re not expected to respond to the sounds from these machines or participate in any of your child’s medical care while they’re in the PICU. Your role is to be there for your child and to take care of yourself, too.
    • If you hear a noise and aren't sure what it means, feel free to ask your bedside nurse.
  • The ICU can feel overwhelming with so much going on. It's important to take breaks and care for yourself while we focus on caring for your child.
How do I get to BC Children's by car?

We have entrances on Oak Street, West 28th Avenue and Willow Street.
Please use Google Maps for directions.

Our addresses:

  • 4500 Oak St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1
  • 938 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 4H4


  • Getting to the PICU: The PICU is on the fourth floor. Use the elevators in the Teck Acute Care Centre to get there. When you come out of the elevators, there should be a unit clerk during the day to help you find your child. If no one is there, take a left from the elevators and go down the hall until you see an intercom. You can use it to call into the PICU where a member of the team with let you in and help you find your child.
  • You can see the entrances on the Campus Map below.
an image of the BCCH campus map detailing the entrances to the PICU
Parking at BC Children's

General parking information:

Parking is covered if your child is currently an inpatient at the hospital, but the PICU must enter (register) your car into the system.  Once it is registered you do not need to pay for parking.  Please speak to your bedside nurse about registering your car for free parking. If you need to park before this happens, please pay for parking.

For all other visitors:

  • Pay parking is in effect 24 hours a day.

To pay for parking:

  • BC Children’s Hospital uses the HangTag Park and Pay system. To pay with your phone, text 640209 to 73337. 1 msg/request, Standard msg and data rates may apply. You can also find parking signs around the hospital lobby with a QR code to scan, which will take you to a payment portal.
  • There are also meters in our parking lots where you can pay with a credit card.
  • Financial hardship permits may be available on a case-by-case basis.
    Please ask to talk to your unit social worker for more information and support with this.
  • Questions or concerns? Contact parking administration at or 778-558-5987

Free Valet Parking Service
We offer a valet parking service for patients and families. 
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm (excluding holidays)
Location: You will find the valet parking service near entrance #11 by the main entrance near Oak St., and by #55, by the Teck Acute Care Centre Emergency Department.
The parking fee is in effect, but the valet parking service is free and tips are not necessary.

How do I get to BC Children’s by transit?

Visit the TransLink Trip Planner to plan your trip .

  • Taking the bus: There are multiple bus routes that stop near the hospital campus, all within a 5 minute walking distance:
    • The #25 (Brentwood Station/UBC) stops at 50338 (King Edward Ave and Oak St)
    • The #17 (Oak/Downtown) stops at 50454 (NB Oak St at Devonshire Crescent)
    • The #17 (Oak/Downtown) stops at 50339 (SB Oak St at Devonshire Crescent)
    • The #33 (29 Avenue Station/UBC) travels  northbound and southbound on Cambie St. Buses stop outside of the King Edward Ave Canada Line Station
  • Taking the Canada Line SkyTrain: The Canada Line provides rapid transit service from downtown Vancouver to both YVR airport and to Richmond city centre (Bridgeport Station).
    • King Edward Avenue Station: this is the closest Canada Line Station to BCCH. The station is at the corner of West King Edward Ave and Cambie Street.
    • From King Edward Avenue Station it is about a 15 minute walk to BCCH.
a map with the public transportation options to get to BCCH


How do I cycle to BC Children's?

Please use this link to explore cycling routes and maps within Vancouver
Every major entrance to the hospital has bike racks for public use. Please see the map below

an image of the campus and where to leave the bike
Helpful Maps

The Community Map (PDF) is a road map of the surrounding area, highlighting transit, cycling and walking options.
The Campus Wayfinding Map (PDF) shows roadway entrances to the hospital, on-site parking, hospital buildings and entrances, and some clinics. It also shows the locations of valet stations, the cafeteria, navigation volunteer desks, and the closest bus stops.
New: Teck Acute Care Centre Levels 1-8 Floor Map (PDF)