An image of the bear in the gallery at BCCH
Bank Machines (ATMs)
  • Ambulatory Care building: first floor near the Starbucks (across from Area 3)
  • BC Children’s Hospital (Oak Street) building: main lobby (near Entrance 11)
  • The Cafeteria (Shaughnessy Building, near Entrance 79)
Family Library and Gift Shop

Family Library

Location: Ambulatory Care building: second floor (Area 11)

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm.

Link to online library: 

You’ll find:

  • Computers
  • Puzzles and games
  • A library of health information that you can borrow (including books, eBooks, games, and kits)
  • A fun reads collection for children
  • Printer, Copier, Scanner, Fax

Gift Shop

 In the BC Children's Hospital (Oak Street) lobby. 

Lost & Found

Contact Security by calling 604-875-2999


Location: in the Ambulatory Care building: first floor in area six

Hours: Monday - Friday 09:00 a.m. - 04:30 p.m.

Taxi Phone

Location: Lobby of BC Children’s Hospital building at north entrance (Entrance 17) and west entrance (Entrance 11). 
There is also a Taxi phone at Entrance 77 in the Shaughnessy building, and by Entrance 53 in the Teck Centre

  • There are public transport chair systems available for families at entrance 53, entrance 11, entrance 55 (children’s emergency), entrance 97 (women’s UCC), entrance 93. No coin deposit is necessary.
    • These are primarily used to help transport your child around the hospital. They may be used to help transport your child to their vehicle.
  • Please contact your bedside nurse if your child requires a wheelchair for ambulation throughout the hospital
Wi-Fi Access

Connect to the CWGuest network and accept the terms and conditions before browsing.

Sacred Space

This is a non-denominational space where you can pray, engage in spiritual practices, or take a quiet moment for yourself. Located on the second floor of the BC Women's Hospital building, in room 2N30, down the hall, across from the Arbutus unit.

Showers in the Teck Acute Care Centre

Some patient rooms in PICU have a shower. All caregivers have access to a shower on the unit.

Accessible Washrooms and Change Stations

Accessible Washrooms

  • Ambulatory Care building: all washrooms
  • BC Children's Hospital (Oak Street) building: first floor near the north entrance (Entrance 17) across and down the hall from the Gift Shop and across from the coffee shop.

Infant and Toddler Change Stations

  • Ambulatory Care building: all washrooms
  • BC Children's Hospital building: first floor near the Asthma, Allergy & Respiratory Clinics, across and down the hall from the Gift Shop and near the Cafeteria

Youth Change Stations

  • Ambulatory Care building: second floor behind area 11, near the windows
  • BC Children's Hospital (Oak Street) building: first floor near the Asthma, Allergy & Respiratory Clinics


Infection Control Guidelines
  • To stop the spread of infection, we ask that all visitors wash their hands well with soap and water or use the alcohol rub (20 second rub) on entering and leaving the ward and your child’s room.
  • As well, this routine hand hygiene should be done with every use of the toilet, eating, feeding your child or handling food, wipe your child’s nose, helping them throw-up, changing their diaper, or after sneezing/coughing into your own hands.
  • If you are unwell or have a cold, flu, rash, vomiting, diarrhea or you have been near someone who has a communicable disease (chicken pox etc.) in the past three weeks, we ask you not to visit until discussed with the nurse or doctor caring for your child.
  • Please keep your child in their room unless they are going for a test or a procedure.
  • If your child has a new/ worsening cough, there are masks outside of the room for your wellness.
  • If storing food in the unit refrigerator, please ask your nurse to retrieve these items for you.