  • Appropriate device to provide NIPPV
  • Appropriate type and sized mask interface
  • Appropriate securing head gear for mask
  • Appropriate circuit
  • Appropriate humidification device to provide patient with humidified gas mixture
  • Circuit tubing
  • Oxygen tubing (optional)
  • Oxygen saturation monitor
  • Sterile water for inhalation

BCCH Respiratory Care Steering Committee. NON-INVASIVE POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION: INITIATION AND MANAGEMENT AT BCCH [Internet]. 2023. Available from: 

Set Up & Management

*Download guideline for details

  • PERFORM hand hygiene and DON personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • DETERMINE and OBTAIN appropriate NIPPV delivery device and appropriate sized
    mask and headgear for NIPPV
  • CONNECT all circuit tubing to the NIPPV device
  • CONNECT NIPPV device to power source and ensure the power cable is securely
    connected to the NIPPV device
  • ATTACH oxygen if required. Set up according to the device manual
  • TURN ON NIPPV device and set appropriate mode and settings. Perform leak check and
    confirm pressure remains stable
  • ENSURE humidification is set-up appropriately for the device. Ensure the humidification device is TURNED ON
  • SUCTION patient (if required) before placing mask on patient’s face
  • ATTACH the circuit tubing to the patient’s mask. CONFIRM there is flow before
    applying the mask to the patient’s face
  • ATTACH the mask to the patient’s face and secure headgear
  • COMPLETE a site-to-source check once headgear is secure and device is on the
  • ASSESS the patient and perform a site to source check of the NIPPV system Q3H and
    as needed.
Settings on BiPAP


BiPAP: Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure
FRC:Functional Residual Capacity
Vt:Tidal Volume

BC Children’s Hospital PICU Physicians RT. Acute Ventilation in Pediatrics [Internet]. 2024. Available from: